Saturday, July 26, 2008

Benjamin Franklin: Wise American

Almost every American child in school these days studies Benjamin Franklin- and rightfully so. One of the most gifted minds and being one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin has given America great civic and intellectual ideas that have helped this country prosper and which have helped give every citizen their freedom.

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 and was incredibly the 17th and youngest child of his large Massachusetts family. The Franklin’s were not a rich family and usually didn’t have the resources that Benjamin ultimately wanted. Although his family couldn’t provide him with lavish gifts, he had many of his own. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t even able to get a complete schooling and only attended one single year as a child. However, he did learn to reach and had a love for reading, writing and knowledge that would help set a course for his future.

At the age of 12, Benjamin Franklin started a job as an apprentice. His love of reading and writing became a job as a printer. Under his brother, he worked very long hours each day composing pamphlets, advertising a variety of products and setting type. While Benjamin Franklin enjoyed work, the job wasn’t rewarding enough for him. He decided to run away and work as his own printer in the prospering city of Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin soon realized what many others realize when they work in a career; he was far better at the job than his own boss. With some money that he borrowed, he decided to set up a printing shop of his own, he also bought a newspaper and started to print many titles of his own including the Poor Richard’s Almanac which is known for his very popular and very wise quotes.

As his fame and wealth increased and his writing became renown, Benjamin Franklin did not stop thinking. He made overwhelming contributions to Philadelphia, our country and the world. Some of the contributions Benjamin Franklin is famous for included, clean, lit paved streets, a fire company (fire department) to help put out fires around the city, creating the first library and creating a hospital in Philadelphia.

Benjamin Franklin’s life is extremely interesting and Smithsonian Magazine has created an insightful article on this great man and founding father. For those interested in reading more about the contributions and achievements of Benjamin Franklin, please visit our main website today at the following link:

Tattoo Art, Benjamin Franklin, Forbidden City